Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 31st Materials Science and Engineering Conference: Advancement & Innovations Helsinki, Finland.

Day 2 :

Keynote Forum

Vincent Lapinte

Charles Gerhardt Institute, France

Keynote: Lipidic additives for polymeric materials

Time : 10:00-10:30 AM

Conference Series MatSciEngg 2018 International Conference Keynote Speaker Vincent Lapinte photo

Vincent Lapinte is an Assistant Professor at the Polymer Department of the Institute of Materials Charles Gerhardt of Montpellier (ICGM-France). His area of expertise concerns the bio-based polymers especially peptides and pseudo-peptides such as polyoxazolines regarding synthesis and self-assembly aspects. Biobased building blocks for polymers were also investigated. He has published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and 7 patents. He also has Co-Supervised 18 PhD and 12 post-doctoral.


Facing the toxicity of many plastics and the increasingly drastic regulations, many studies on novel additives, especially bio-based additives for polymers are sought. Herein, we illustrated this keen interest with bio-based plasticizers and surfactants as alternatives to phthalate plasticizers and nonylphenol ethoxylated surfactants, respectively. Poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) is one of the most attractive industrial plastics (biomedical, textile industry, plastic toys, packaging) because available as rigid or soft materials. In the latter case, flexibility and processability come from a plasticizer-additive in high amount (30-50%w/w). Nowadays, the most widespread plasticizers are the phthalates even if severe public health-care issues as reprotoxic and endocrine disruptor effects are attested. Most of the phthalates will be banned by standards and regulations (Reach Annex XIV). In our lab, two generations of phthalate-free plasticizers have been developed using green chemistry. Phosphonated lipids prove to be an efficient additive as primary plasticizers for PVC as well as flame retardants. Otherwise, cardanol-based plasticizers of PVC reach good PVC plasticizing properties and reveal no impact on the environment and no endocrine perturbation activity. These results are attractive in order to replace phthalates in soft PVC formulation industry. Among the nonionic surfactants, Nonylphenol Ethoxylated (NPE) has widely demonstrated their efficiency even if a high toxicity to aquatic organisms was proved. Regarding the many sectors including textile processing, pulp and paper processing, paints, resins and protective coatings, oil and gas recovery in which they were employed, substituents seem to be a major issue. It has been reported that the ethoxylation of cardanol, bio-sourced lipidic phenol, produced a nonionic surfactant characterized by a low biodegradability. Inspired by these results, we investigated a series of surfactants based on cardanol and Polyoxazoline (POx) technology knowing the POx is well-known to be an alternative to PEG.

  • Fibers and Composites | Nano materials and Nanotechnology | Polymer Science and Technology | Mechanics,Characterization Techniques and Equipments
Location: Aalto


Rosalinda Caringella



Carolina Clausell Terol has completed her PhD in Chemical Engineer in 2008 and MSc in Chemical Engineer in 1998, both from Jaume I University. She is the Member of the Ceramic Technology research group since 1997 and since 2012, teaching and research staff at the Chemical Engineering Department of the same university. Her research career is focused in the application of the chemical engineering principles to the ceramic materials production processes, which she develops at the research group and the department that she belongs to. Furthermore, she is a Member of the collaborating research group chemistry of electromagnetic radiation processed materials between the Jaume I University and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), through the Aragón Materials Science Institute (ICMA). She has collaborated in 38 research projects, funded by public institutions and private companies, resulting in 2 patents, numerous scientific articles in international journals of the ceramic materials field indexed in the journal citation report and several contributions to national and international conferences of the same research field.


Cu-doped NiZn ferrites are typical electromagnetic wave absorbers which absorption capacity (calculated from experimental measures of complex permeability and complex permittivity for a given frequency range) is related to thickness body and especially and more critical to its microstructure. Ideal microstructure would consist of sintered bodies with no porosity, small average grain size and narrow grain size distribution. Moreover, the finer grain sizes the better absorption capacity. Literature shows that physical properties of ceramic bodies improve when particle-size distribution decreases from the micro-scale to the nanoscale. Ferrites from nanoparticles have been sintered controlling average grain size and relative density with sintering temperature. Green microstructure has been set constant using uniaxial dry pressing at 200 MPa as the shaping method. Sintered microstructure has been observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), obtaining the average grain size by image analysis of the SEM micrographs. Relative density was determined by the Archimedes method, using true density material value. Magnetic permeability was measured in the frequency range from 1 MHz to 3 GHz by using an Agilent model E4991 ARF impedance analyzer with the 16454A test fixture and this later parameter has been related to average grain size and relative density. Finally, the results obtained from nano-particulate ferrite powder have been compared with those previously obtained from micro-particulate ferrite powders, noting an improvement in performance.


Rosalinda Caringella has been graduated in Chemistry from the University of Turin in 2012. Since 2014, she has been working as a Temporary Research Assistant at the Institute for Macromolecular Studies (ISMAC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). She has worked on the functionalization of natural fibers, preparation of bio-composites and valorization of wool wastes and extraction of keratin for biomedical, textile and pharmaceutical applications.


In this research work novel, polymeric composites reinforced with functionalized natural fibers have been produced, in order to replace fiberglass reinforcement in shipbuilding industry. The substitution of glass fibers with ligno-cellulosic fibers brings advantages also in terms of weight of the composites which results lighter than fiberglass ones, moreover it solves the issues linked to the complexity of the disposal procedure and the health risk of fiberglass composites. Different types of technical flax fabrics and felts, having different weight and fibers orientation were used as reinforcement after functionalization by polypyrrole, a conductive organic polymer which confers antistatic and EMI shielding properties, bacterial resistance and good compatibility with non-polar polymeric matrices. Polypyrrole functionalization was carried out by in situ polymerization of pyrrole monomer, using ammonium persulfate as the oxidant. The fabrics were dipped in pyrrole and oxidant solutions for 2 hours under mechanical stirring then a polyester resin commonly used in shipbuilding industry was applied on treated fabrics to produce the composites. The composites were characterized for surface functionalization, morphology, thermal and mechanical behaviour in order to establish their applicability in shipbuilding industry. Chemico-physical characterization showed that polypyrrole functionalization not affected the compatibility between fabrics and polyester resin. The novel composites exhibit the lowest tenacity and elastic modulus than fiberglass but showed comparable specific module, considering the specific density of the materials. Thermal analysis showed that functionalized fabrics degraded at slightly lower temperature but with lower heat release rate of the degradation process. The shift of the degradation temperature resulted more evident with the increase of the amount of polypyrrole on fabrics surface. Moreover, the composites reinforced with flax fabrics showed a significant reduction of the carbon residue which can be traduced into an advantage in terms of disposal by incineration and solves the problem of glass fibers dispersion.


Meral Karakisla Sahin is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ankara University since 2009. She has her expertise in the area of conducting polymer composites, the synthesis of conducting polymers and applications, the preparation of graft copolymers, the synthesis of Schiff base polymers, the preparation of composite by improving their conductivity of textile and clay materials by using conducting polymers. In addition, she has made studies on the investigation of antibacterial and catalytic properties after deposition of silver nanoparticles to these composites and to prepare shielding material against to electromagnetic waves.


Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber is used in the textile industry frequently and has a prominent place among the synthetic fibers. It has good thermal stability, compatibility with polar materials due to containing the high polar nitrile groups, hardness and high abrasion resistance. However, in spite of many superior properties of PAN fibers, some of their poor features such as low moisture absorption and poor antistatic properties limit their further usage. So, surface modification is particularly important for fiber/fabric materials and in order to modify the surface of PAN fiber, functional monomers can be incorporated into fiber structure. One of the most used methods for this purpose, the graft copolymerization method was used to graft Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate (HEMA) onto PAN fiber directly to get the surface modified fibers. The grafting processes were carried out in the aqueous medium containing benzoyl peroxide solution in acetone as initiator and HEMA solution at suitable concentrations. PAN fibers grafted HEMA at different percentages was prepared to depend on the polymerization conditions such as initiator and monomer concentration, polymerization temperature. Grafting yield was determined gravimetrically and the maximum grafting yield was obtained as about 90% under the conditions investigated. The chemical structure of PAN fiber-g-poly (hydroxyethyl methacrylate) was characterized by FTIR and H-NMR spectroscopic techniques. The surface morphology of the grafted fiber was studied by SEM.



Cyanoacrylate (CA) polymerization is normally triggered by traces of basic substances at the adhesive/substrate interface resulting in rapid formation of large molecular weight polymers. However there are some disadvantages, for instance, increasing the bond gap from 10 microns (zero gap bonds) to 100 microns can increase bond fixture time from a few seconds up to several minutes, sometimes limiting their service capabilities. The aim of this work is to use Raman spectroscopy and other surface analytical and chemical laboratory techniques to gain the improved understanding of the processes responsible for performance limitations of such adhesives. Raman will be employed to provide insights into the rates and mechanisms of the interfacial CA polymerization process, which are known to be independent of bulk polymerization processes. In addition, the examination of the timedependent and spatial behaviour of EIS data in conjunction with a mathematical model based on the diffusion of monomeric and/or polymeric species through the adhesive volume will aid our understanding of the polymerization processes occurring in various regions of the adhesive bond including the edge and the bulk material. By studying the effects of chemical and physical variations the fundamental questions regarding the degradation of adhesive joints by environmental stress will be addressed thereby enhancing our knowledge of the hydrolytic stability of CA adhesive bond.

Amir Parsi

Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran

Title: Development of high strength-high Porosity Si3N4 bodies via a modified gel-casting process

Time : 14:30-15:00 PM


Amir Parsi received the B.Sc. degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Tehran, Iran, in 2012, and the in Ceramic Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, in 2015. Since then, he has been working under the supervision of Prof. Golestanifard in the Refractory and Ceramic Synthesis Lab in the IUST. He is not carrying on research on synthesis ceramic powders but also being the lab manager. He has won the Best Poster Award from 10th Congress of the Iranian Ceramic Society (ICerS) & First International Conference on Advanced Ceramics for a paper entitled "Rheological Properties of Silicon Nitride Slurries for Gelcasting". In recent years, he has focused on preparing porous Silicon Nitride ceramic bodies with high strength with the intention of utilizing in bio applications.


Porous Si3N4 bodies are of interest in various applications including bio and aerospace. Silicon nitride bodies were prepared with porosity and flexural strength of about 38% and near 180 MPa, respectively. The processing was via gel-casting method employing acrylamide (AM) and N,N'−methylene bisacrylamide (MBAM) for primary slurry, followed by coke bed sintering. The concentrations of APS and TEMED as initiator and catalyst, the sintering time and temperature were studied and optimized. Phase evolution and microstructure observation, as well as flexural strength and porosity of porous Si3Nbodies, were investigated. It was found above, sintering process at 1650 °C with prolonged time had a significant effect on strength in a way that bodies with 33% porosity could experience 250 MPa. Development of the interlocking microstructure of fine β-Si3Ngrains was found to be the key factor for the increase of strength. Controlling the primary slurry components was also vital for maintaining the high strength. The results were explained with emphasis on potential applications.

  • Polymer Science and Technology | Bone Tissue Engineering | Nano Composites | Nano Lithography | Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Materials
Location: Aalto


Meryem Kalkan Erdogan

Ankara University, Turkey


Marina Zoccola has been working since 1989 as a Researcher at the National Research Council, Institute for Macromolecular Studies, textile section of Biella. Her principal interests are in the study and characterization of biopolymers, mainly structural proteins (wool, fine animal fibers, silk, human hair). She has participated in national and international research projects in the textile and biopolymer field. She is the author of over 30 scientific works published in international journals.


A large amount of coarse wool, practically unserviceable for textile use, is generated in Europe from sheep shearing and butchery. Such a byproduct is dumped, burned or sent to landfill. Following the European Commission regulations on animal byproduct control, unserviceable raw wool is classified as category 3 special waste materials. The collection, storage, transport, treatment, use and disposal of such unserviceable raw wool are subject to European Union regulations because of a potential risk to human and animal health. This study aims at converting the waste wool into nitrogen fertilizers at a commercial scale for grassland management and cultivation purposes. The chemical transformation of waste wool into fertilizer is based on a green economically sustainable hydrolysis treatment using superheated water. The experiments were carried out in a semi-industrial reactor feeding superheated water. The wool/superheated water system was maintained for different reaction times. The optimal conditions for this treatment were as follows: 170 °C for 60 minutes with a solid to liquor ratio close to 1. The hydrolyzed product was analyzed using amino acid analysis and molecular weight distribution. Both the amino acid and molecular weight distribution analysis revealed that the wool was completely degraded and the hydrolyzed product contains a low molecular weight proteins and amino acids. Several hydrolyzed product obtained at different conditions were tested for germination which showed a germination index higher than 100% without collateral phytotoxicity. The presence of amino acids, primary nutrients and micronutrients in wool hydrolyzates, along with a concentration of heavy metals below the standard limit confirms the possibility of using wool hydrolyzates as nitrogen based ecologically sound fertilizer.


Alessia Patrucco has completed her PhD in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics and her Master degree in Industrial Biotechnology from the University of Pavia. She is a Researcher at the Institute for Macromolecular Studies (ISMAC) of the Italian National Research Council since 2008. She has been cooperating to national and international research projects in the textile and biopolymers field, fulfilling in some cases the role of the project manager. She has also been a contract Professor Assistant of the course of textile fibers, internationals MSc in textile engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin and contract Professor in the international master management and textile engineering of the Carlo Cattaneo University.


In this research work novel 3D scaffold for bone tissue engineering have been produced, characterized and tested using an integrated bio-engineering approach, applying bio-mechanical stimuli generated by a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF). Keratin 3D scaffolds, namely wool fibril sponges, were prepared by ultrasonic irradiation of wool fibers soaked in clean water, previously swollen in mild alkali. Casting the fibrils suspension produced microporous, biocomposite sponges, made of randomly oriented cortical cells stuck to each other by the hydrolyzed keratin matrix. Nevertheless, controlled-size salt-leaching allowed an additional 3D-tailored macroporosity, with the aim of matching native bone features for cell proliferation and cell guided tissue formation. Sponges have been characterized for morphology, amino acid composition, thermal and mechanical behaviour and in vitro ageing performances. In addition, osteoblast cell model (SAOS-2) was cultured onto 3D wool fibril sponge using an integrated bio-engineering approach, applying bio-mechanical stimuli of a PEMF. Mechanical properties of the wool fibril sponges come out in favour of promising applications as a bio-absorbable scaffold for bone tissue engineering since they are easy to handle and resilient in wet conditions. The integrated bio-engineering approach of applying bio-mechanical stimulus from PEMF, in addition to 3D architectural stimulus is given by 3D scaffolds, showed to be a successful solution. In fact, PEMF stimulated an earlier differentiation in osteogenic conditions, showing a perfect synergy between biochemical and mechanical stimuli in the acceleration of the differentiation process. Finally, ageing tests revealed that wool fibril sponges, characterized by an exceptional amount of crosslinks that stabilize the keratin structure, are surpassingly stable, showing longer degradation rate compared to commercial collagen. In conclusion, biological, chemico-physical characterization and ageing tests suggest sponges are promising candidate for long term support of in vivo bone formation.


Meryem Kalkan Erdogan is a Research Assistant in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ankara University. She has completed her MSc degree in 2011 and PhD degree in 2017, respectively. Her research interests are preparation of electrically conductive composites from conductive polymers with various materials such as textiles, developing materials for electromagnetic interference shielding and surface properties of noble metal nanoparticles.


One of the most electrically conductive conjugated polymers, polyaniline (PAni), has increasingly drawn the attention of the researchers due to its excellent tunable electrical properties and versatile functional groups such as amines and imines, which can form strong interactions such as H bonds with its composites. However, it’s processing penalties such as being brittle when it is subjected to pellet form, difficult solubility in environmentally friendly solvents such water limit its usability in potential application areas. For this reason, many attempts have been made in literature. Among them, preparation of its films using soft commercial polymers such as poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is promising in terms of imparting desired properties of the polymer such as high process ability, flexibility and hydrophility to the PAni, without losing its properties. In this work, we prepared a conductive composite film, from PAni and a methacryloyl groups introduced PVA polymer in a few facile steps. First, the PVA polymer was modified with glycidyl methacrylate in the presence of N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED) as catalyst at 60 °C in DMSO and then casted as films. Second, aniline was polymerized on PVA-gma film surface with APS oxidant in 1M HCl. The effect of some conditions such as concentration of PVA-gma polymer (g/100 mL) and concentration of aniline (M) were investigated on PAni (%) content and surface resistivity of the film. It was observed that the surface resistivity of the thin and almost transparent PAni/PVA-gma films (containing 17.5% of PAni) reached to 1000 Ω/cm2. The composite films were characterized with various techniques. The as-prepared films were used as soft templates in the reduction of Ag particles, after subjecting the films to the ammonia de-doping and different sulfonic acids re-doping processes. The changing morphology, particle size and decoration intensity of the Ag particles were also monitored with SEM technique.



This study demonstrates the utility of camphor as a novel type of diluents for the preparation of photo-curable ceramic slurries, which can have sufficiently low viscosities with high solid loadings (e.g., 48 vol %). These characteristics enable the use of conventional lithography-based Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques without specifically designed feeding and recoating systems. To demonstrate this, Calcium Phosphate (CaP) ceramic objects and scaffolds were produced using various CaP slurries with different CaP contents (35 vol %, 40 vol %, 45 vol % and 48 vol %). The density and fracture strength of the samples after sintering at 1250 °C for 3 hours increased remarkably with an increase in solid loading from 35 vol % to 48 vol %. The curing behaviors (e.g., curing kinetics, cure depth and cure width) of a highly concentrated ceramic slurry (solid loading=48vol %) were carefully characterized in order to achieve tightly controlled ceramic structures. Owing to these observations, porous CaP scaffolds with tailored porous structures could be successfully produced, where the porosity of ~54 vol %, pore size of 739.4 μm×702.5 μm in the x-y direction and wall thickness of ~1029 μm×903.7 μm were created. The porous CaP scaffolds showed the reasonably high compressive strength and modulus of ~30 MPa and ~299.45 MPa, respectively, which was attributed to the construction of highly densified CaP frameworks in a controlled periodic pattern. These findings suggest that camphor can be effectively used as the diluent, which can allow for the preparation of ceramic slurries with reasonably low viscosities and thus ceramic scaffolds with tailored porous structure can be produced using conventional lithography-based AM machine.

Kholodkov N S

National University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russia

Title: Polymer composite with soft magnetic Fe-Co nano-powders obtained by cavitation method

Kholodkov N S has completed his Master’s degree in Material Science and Technologies from Moscow University of Steel and Alloys. He has worked in the field of magnetic measurements of weak magnetic fields produced by corrosion currents. Currently, he is a PhD student of NUST “MISiS” and is working with soft magnetic powders.


Composite materials consisting of magnetic particles in polymer matrix have a wide area of potential application. In most cases the alloy nano-powders are obtained by means of polyol method or ball milling technique. These fabrication methods are characterized by low cost efficiency, but need multi-stage production process. In addition, the magnetic properties of obtained nano-powders do not strictly correspond to alloy state characteristics. In the present report the new cost effective method of nano-powder production is provided. It is the cavitation destruction that allows obtaining various magnetic nanoparticles with good magnetic properties close to those of well-known solid-state alloys. Cavitation is the process of formation and collapsing of low pressure bubbles near the surface of quickly moving object in a liquid. The collapse of tiny bubbles produces the intense shockwave that knocks out small particles from the object’s surface into liquid. Resonance piezo-ceramic vibrator has been used in home-made laboratory facility to provide cavitation process. Fe73Co27 nanoparticles with very high saturation magnetization were obtained in different liquids such as benzyl alcohol, methyl methacrylate and water. Rather narrow particle size distributions not exceeded 18% were obtained in all liquids studied. It is found that the average particle size strictly depends on the liquid viscosity. It is given by 475 nm in methyl methacrylate, 196 nm in benzyl alcohol and 80 nm in water, respectively. Magnetic properties of 475 nm Fe73Co27 particles in polymeric matrix were investigated. In the fields of approximately 4 kOe composite were almost saturated, and full saturation was achieved in fields not exceeded 6 kOe. The highest saturation magnetization for this composite was equaled Ms=245.3 emu/g. Using cheap Fe70Co27 nano-powders with high saturation magnetization and small coercive force allows us to reduce the total amount of powder in polymer composite showing increased heating efficiency in alternating magnetic field. These magnetic particles are promising for biomedical applications, in particular, for hyperthermia treatment.

Kaustav B. Arya

Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology, India

Title: Naval Vest

Kaustav B. Arya was Former child scientist of national children’s science congress-2017. He is Member of American Physical Society and currently undergoing research in different innovations in material science associated with Institute of Advanced Study In Science and Technology, India.


Life vests are the most reliable suits during water emergencies, such as boating, swimming (in case of non-swimmers), etc. But I have found some deadly errors in common life vests. To overcome this problem, I have observed the problems of common life vests and made the naval vest without any problem. My objective was to make new generation multipurpose and more efficient life vest. After my research, I have found a special polymer. I have used this special material in my innovation. This is expanded polyethylene which is made of petroleum. It is a hydrocarbon {(C2H4)n}. The density of this polyethylene is very less, even less than water. The capillarity of this material is nil. That is why it does not absorb water even after being in it for a long time. For these specialties it is more suitable for naval vest than any other material. To make this vest, this material is dressed up with non-permeable synthetic nylon cloth. Additionally, I have attached one pair of hand gloves made of synthetic nylon cloth over the vest. Now I can claim that this vest will create its own space among people and it will contribute something valuable in the field of sustainable development by saving lives of mankind.