Stig Irving Olsen
Associate Professor
Technical University of Denmark
Stig Irving Olsen is associate professor at the division for Quantitative Sustainability Assessment at DTU Management Engineering at Technical University of Denmark. Dr. Olsen has more than 25 years of experience in research, education and consultancy in environmental assessment of products and systems towards authorities and industry. He is expert in Life Cycle Assessment with focus on applying LCA for decision support. A particular research focus has been on environmental assessment of emerging technologies such as nanotechnologies, 2nd and 3rd generation of biofuels. As WP leader in a number of EU projects he has experience evaluating the environmental and social aspects of technologies. Projects he has been involved with include nanotechnologies (mainly use of functionalized nanomaterials in polymers) and recycling of polymers and C&D waste. He is senior editor and member of founding board for the journal Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management and submission editor for International Journal of LCA.
Research Interest
nanotechnologies, biofuels.